Saturday, October 23, 2010

A person once shared with me that an authentic leaders understand that if our lives do not stand for something bigger than ourselves, our leadership lacks purpose.  This comment sparked a renewed interested on taking a closer look within. Literature points out that leaders should always be creating a better future for the organization and not just for themselves.  Leaders must take the time to educate their members on the vision of the future and how each member can contribute to the success of the organization.  Methods to accomplish this are: encouraging personal vision, communicating and asking for support, visioning as an ongoing process, blending extrinsic and intrinsic visions, and distinguishing positive from negative visions (Senge, 2008).

Each organization is unique and special within iteself.  The leadership and the collective members should work together and not against each other if they are to be successful.  This also includes not taking advantage of a situation and the climate for personal gain.  March forward and when you develop the organizational road map, do no forget to consider those that should be on the road with you.


Senge, P  (2008, March). Shared Vision. Leadership Excellence, 25(3), 4.

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